HealthSmart Q & A-28

Dear HealthSmart,

I’d really like to know how doctors treat sleep apnea. Is the CPAP machine the only option?

HealthSmart asked Dr. Nancy Collop, MD, Director of The Sleep Center at Emory University. Here’s her response:

The CPAP machine is by far the most effective treatment method for sleep apnea. But there are other options for patients who don’t like CPAP or wish to try another method. Some apnea patients try using an oral appliance, which is a piece that attaches to the upper and lower teeth and pulls the lower jaw forward. These appliances are custom made by dentists who specialize in sleep. These appliances are less obstructive than CPAP and have a proven success rate. Also, over time more patients continue to use the appliance versus the CPAP. Besides these two methods, there are surgeries that can treat sleep apnea. Examples include a tonsillectomy, reducing the size of the tongue, pulling the lower jaw forward, opening the nasal pathways, and bariatric surgery that results in weight loss.


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Copyright Ellen James Martin 2021


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